1.2 Burn Everything

Welcome back to the Davis Legacy! Last time Elara mostly worked on her aspiration, work on her magic, and dated a few different people. She’s the only one of the four legacy founders that hasn’t found a partner yet.

I remembered to give the house lot traits right away though, they are: Homey, Home Studio, Peace and Quiet, Spooky, and Cursed.

I want to focus on getting Elara a partner this week, so she sets out to meet people.

She’s talking to Afu Isoua, when Victor Feng randomly enters the conversation.

She doesn’t make much progress, but Tomax (who’s her only friend right now) invites her to the Flea Market.

She agrees as it’s another opportunity to meet people!

Though Tomax basically ignores her and spends the entire time on his phone.

She also bought a couch, but I didn’t catch a picture of it until after it started fading away…

I also learned that Morgan Ember apparently quit being a Sage to marry Catrina Lynx and become a food vender… Whatever makes you happy I guess?

Elara meets one Reynaldo Myers.

Buys a cute little robot lamp (I got a proper picture this time).

And runs into Tetsu, who she meet last time!

She spends some time talking to him when…

When she spots Naoki, they’re still technically in a relationship, but…

He’s a little upset at her for cheating on him.

This is clearly not going to last, so Elara formally ends things with him.

Elara’s been very social, so she takes some time to herself.

Here’s a proper picture of the couch she bought.

She does some woodworking, before she heads out to the park again.

She plays some chess with Fetu Faamoana.

Before Victor Feng (who I swear is stalking her, he was at the Flea Market too) and a whole swarm of people show up to butt into their conversation.

Elara was eager for a date, so she takes Fetu somewhere a little quieter.

Their date goes pretty well, but…

It all goes south when Elara catches fire while cooking dinner!

Which causes Elara to develop a fear.

Elara was asleep in bed when suddenly this pops up…

I’m guessing the ghost was trying to cook something?

At least putting out the fire helps Elara deal with her fear. However, having to replace the stove twice now is not doing her finances any good.

Elara barely had enough money to pay her bills.

Instead of getting a job or something, Elara worked on her magic.
Elara: “I’ll just marry someone with money, problem solved.”

She then headed to GeekCon, unfortunately it was raining.

Which meant all the tech was broken.

Elara tries to use magic to fix a computer, so she can participate in the Hackathon.

Elara: “Nobody panic. I can fix this.”

Elara puts the fire out and manages to fix a computer and barely manages to complete the Hackathon before the time runs out.

As the only participant, it’s not much of a contest.

She runs into Fetu as well.

Where they have some fun in the rocket ship.

I forgot their was an achievement for this.

Elara’s stalker, Victor Feng was there as well. I SWEAR HE IS EVERYWHERE SHE GOES.

Elara ends her day with a round of terrible karaoke.

The next day Elara is feeling like going on a date, so she invites over Afu this time. Unfortunately he keeps refusing to go on a date with her.

Elara works her charms.

And soon Afu is all to eager to go on a date with her.

They woohoo, but get stuck in the bed for some reason.

Seriously Elara, you broke the man’s heart and now you want to be friends?
Elara: “I may feel a little bad about it, besides, he’s a sage. I don’t want to be in his bad books.”

COME ON!!! Afu was trying his hand at cooking and set the stove on fire! (I figure out later that all the fires are from the Cursed lot trait)

Elara manages to put out the fire, but not before the stove gets torched.

Luckily she’s able to replace it with magic, cause she doesn’t have the money to buy a new one.

With her new budding desire to make friends, Elara invites Naoki over.

Elara has only just managed to get her relationship with Naoki out of the red when Afu shows up.

He askes her to be his girlfriend and Elara quickly agrees.

Elara is making friends with Naoki, but she can’t help but think of their previous romantic relationship. However, the presence of her boyfriend prevents her from acting on those thoughts.

She hopes that maybe some cloud gazing will distract her from her thoughts.

The two of them have officially become friends again and Elara is glad to have Naoki back in her life again.

However, it doesn’t stop her from thinking about wanting more with him.

After Afu leaves, Elara manages to convince Naoki that they should be woohoo partners, afterall romance between them clearly didn’t go well.

And Elara finally gets what she wants.

However the next morning has Elara thinking about karma. She technically cheated on her boyfriend, what if he cheats on her?!

It doesn’t help that she hates having her official partner away from her.

She hopes that playing some video games will distract her.

But soon her mind wanders to other activities…

She invites Ritvik over.

And shows him her shower.

However, she finds herself disappointed with the whole experience.

She sends Ritvik home (she’s very much over him) and invites Afu over instead.

Elara wants to drag him to bed immediately (she needs to forget her horrible past experience), however, Afu isn’t interested. (THE MAN LIKES TO PLAY HARD TO GET)

It takes a lot of flirting before he lets her lead him to bed.

Afu is still in the bedroom when Fetu shows up.

He’s a lot more eager to woohoo with Elara.

Elara sends Fetu away after she’s done with him and then sits down to talk with Afu about her insecurities.

Elara suddenly gets a call about an inheritance, she really needs the money. Soon she finds out that she has to get married before she can get it.

Elara’s boyfriend is right there, so she works on flirting with him.

Before she gets to one knee and proposes!

Fetu of course has terrible timing. As Elara has gotten more serious with Afu, she turns Fetu down.

Elara and Afu soon elope.

Fetu is more than a little upset about the situation (at least Elara’s got money now).

I gave Afu a quick makeover and apparently I neglected to write down his traits or aspiration. I’ll try to get them for next time

It turns out Elara was right to be worried, Afu is one of Luna’s boyfriends!

His heart is in the right place though and wants to end things with Luna almost immediately.

He must have one of the Eco-Lifestyle type aspirations, cause he gets a job in the Civil Designer career.

Determined to turn over a new leaf in the romance department, Elara decides to end things with Fetu.

He takes it quite well all things considered.

I’m not sure what Elara was doing outside, but she got struck by lightning. Conrad Dracula decides to stop by despite not knowing anyone here.

He too ends up struck by lightning.

Afu wants to break up with Luna, so he invites her over.


Conrad seems to have invited himself in despite being one crispy vampire.

Luna: “And if you even think of telling Lou anything I’ll spill the beans to your pretty new bride.”

Luna: “Now who might you be handsome.”
Conrad: “I don’t think I need another pregnant woman in my life.”
Luna: “Wait… You smell dead.”
Conrad: “What do you mean smell?”
Luna: *snarls* “Vampire.”
Conrad: *sneers* “Werewolf.”

Well, that could have gone better.

Conrad leaves and Luna starts talking to the furniture.

Luna doesn’t leave until a ghost shows up, at which point she books it.


Not yet used to how things work around here, Afu runs around in a useless panic.

Elara calmly deals with the fire.

Before deciding that fruit salad is a safer option for breakfast.

SERIOUSLY??? Luna just showed up out of no where and kissed Afu, DESPITE THEM BREAKING UP LITERALLY YESTERDAY!

I think Luna may be trying to win Afu back and get him to leave Elara. Afu ended up sending Luna home before she could do anything else.

Both Afu and Elara need logic for their aspirations, so they spend the day playing together.

I buy Elara a rocket (for her aspiration), but she can’t work on it until it stops storming.

It’s night time when Naoki decides to stop by.

Elara eagerly invites him in.

As Afu is already in bed, so she drags Naoki off to the shower for some woohoo.

This household is only two people right now and their relationships are a mess. Anyways, that’s all for now, see you next time!

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